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This API exposes full access to the AWS SDK that Remotion uses under the hood. You can use it to interact with your AWS infrastructure in ways that Remotion doesn't provide a function for.

Example: Getting a buffer for a render

// Import from "@remotion/lambda" instead before Remotion v4.0.60
import {getAwsClient, getRenderProgress} from '@remotion/lambda/client';
import {Readable} from 'stream';
const bucketName = 'remotionlambda-d9mafgx';
const getFileAsBuffer = async () => {
const progress = await getRenderProgress({
renderId: 'd7nlc2y',
bucketName: 'remotionlambda-d9mafgx',
functionName: 'remotion-render-la8ffw',
region: 'us-east-1',
if (!progress.outKey) {
// Video not yet rendered
const {client, sdk} = getAwsClient({region: 'us-east-1', service: 's3'});
const data = client.send(
new sdk.GetObjectCommand({
Bucket: bucketName,
Key: progress.outKey,
return data.Body as Readable;

Example: Enable CORS for a bucket

// Import from "@remotion/lambda" instead before Remotion v4.0.60
import {getAwsClient} from '@remotion/lambda/client';
const {client, sdk} = getAwsClient({region: 'us-east-1', service: 's3'});
new sdk.PutBucketCorsCommand({
Bucket: '[bucket-name]',
CORSConfiguration: {
CORSRules: [
AllowedMethods: ['GET', 'HEAD'],
AllowedHeaders: ['*'],
AllowedOrigins: ['*'],


An object with two mandatory parameters:


One of the supported regions of Remotion Lambda, for which the client should be instantiated.


One of lambda, cloudwatch, iam, servicequotas, s3 or sts.


Allows you to connect to another cloud provider, useful if you render your output to a different cloud. The value must satisfy the following type:

type CustomCredentials = {
endpoint: string;
accessKeyId: string | null;
secretAccessKey: string | null;
region?: string;
forcePathStyle?: boolean;


Passes forcePathStyle to the AWS S3 client. If you don't know what this is, you probably don't need it.

Return value

An object with two properties:


An AWS SDK client instantiated with the region you passed and the credentials you had set at the time of calling the function.


The full SDK JavaScript module for the service you specified.


You don't need to create a new client from the SDK and should instead reuse the client that is also returned and being used by Remotion, in order to save memory.

See also